In the spring of 2023, I had the coolest trip to Nepal. I took a month off from my job to go on an adventure and participate in a yoga teacher training at Mandala Yoga Retreat. I attended a 200-hour YTT (Yoga Teacher Training) program, an experience I will never forget.

I can highly recommend the place, owned by the couple Kriti and Biren, who are two very friendly and open people. We received instruction in various types of yoga and meditation, and learned a lot of fascinating things about the history of yoga and how we can use it to relax and create more balance and peace in our minds. I learned a lot and received instruction from several skilled teachers from both India and Nepal.
In my group, there were 12 people from various parts of the world. We had participants from Europe, Canada, Singapore, and Hong Kong. The age range was between 22 and 40 years old, mostly women but also men. These 12 people became friends I truly trusted and felt comfortable with, especially during our teaching sessions with each other. I made many new friendships that I still keep in contact with today.

All the locals at the retreat were very kind and helpful, and every day we were served the most delicious homemade food, filled with fruits and vegetables. The retreat is situated with a breathtaking view over Kathmandu and the Himalayas. It was incredibly cozy, clean, and tidy, surrounded by nature and tranquility.
Several people in my group, including myself, primarily came for a personal experience and learning, rather than to go home and teach yoga. It would certainly be possible to teach afterward, but at Mandala, there is also time to relax, and it is not as intense and demanding as I have heard other training programs can be. If I were to go home and teach, I could have used a bit more practice in teaching—we did teach each other, but more time could have been allocated for that. For me, the program was perfect, as I came as much for the experience as for becoming a dedicated yoga teacher.